Price-list of services

We select therapeutic methods individually to the needs of each patient, so it is impossible to provide a complete price list.


TMS therapy

We select therapeutic methods individually to the needs of each patient, so it is impossible to provide a complete price list.

Telephone consultation with the TMS Therapy Coordinator

Free consultation with the person responsible for the organizational part of TMS Therapy.


Qualification for TMS treatment

Comprehensive video consultation with a psychiatrist or neurologist. Assessment of the justification for TMS therapy in a specific case. Selection of a treatment protocol. Indication of the potential effectiveness of neurostimulation. Preparation of the patient for the applied pharmacotherapy.

  • Duration 45 minutes

  • Prepaid consultation via Google Meet

Basic treatment protocol

The worldwide standard procedure consists of 20 sessions of magnetic brain stimulation.

The procedure is applied to the prefrontal cortex - an area that controls mood, motivation, and social skills. Its left side, in particular, is associated with positive feelings.

Possibility to divide the protocol and payment into two parts. The second stage is carried out only when the patient feels better.


  • 20 rTMS stimulation sessions

  • Left prefrontal cortex (L-DLPFC) stimulation

  • 10 Hz, 3000 pulses

  • World therapeutic standard

1180 EUR

SAINT-like protocol

This is the fruit of the work of assistant professor Nolan Williams and other specialists from the famous Brain Stimulation Lab at Stanford University in California.

Perhaps the most effective antidepressant therapy ever developed, achieving as much as 80% remission rates confirmed by clinical trials (RCT). The treatment is a marathon of 50 iTBS sessions over five days (10 sessions a day, every hour). We heve been performing SAINT-like protocol since 2020, which results in several dozen satisfied patients.


  • 50 sessions in 5 days

  • About 70% respond rate in our clinics

  • 50 Hz frequency (theta burst, iTBS)

  • Perhaps the most effective solution for treatment-resistant depression

4960 EUR

Other TMS protocols

We make many other protocols, the price of which is determined individually. Contact us to select the therapy individually.

TPS® Therapy

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS®) is a therapeutic option approved in Europe since 2018 for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

Telephone consultation with the TPS Therapy Coordinator

Free consultation with the person responsible for the organizational part of TPS Therapy.


Qualification for TPS treatment

Comprehensive video consultation with a psychiatrist or neurologist. Assessment of the justification for TPS therapy in a specific case. Selection of a treatment protocol. Indication of the potential effectiveness of neurostimulation.

  • Duration 40 minutes

  • Any communication channel

  • Psychiatrist or Neurologist

150 EUR

Basic TPS® protocol

The goal of TPS® is to improve cognitive abilities in people with Alzheimer's dementia by stimulating different areas of the brain and maintaining this state for as long as possible.


  • 6 sessions in 10 days

  • Session duration: approx. 30 minutes

2990 EUR

Other TPS protocols

We provide a range of other protocols, priced on an individual basis. Contact us for an individually tailored therapy.


First-time psychiatric consultation

Available only in the office

od100 EUR

Following psychiatric consultation


  • Duration 20 minutes

  • Any communication channel

od80 EUR


Neurological consultation

EEG & QEEG tests

QEEG Brain Mapping (adults)

QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography), also known as Brain Mapping, is an advanced electroencephalography analysis technique that allows the electrical activity of the brain to be measured and described using quantitative measures. The QEEG test is a tool used in guiding therapy and monitoring its progress.

At Magwise, we perform QEEG and base on that we provide:

  • personalisation of EEG Biofeedback therapy
  • personalisation of neurostimulation therapy (protocol selection: TMS, TPS)
  • analysis of biomarkers (guiding the physician in the diagnosis and choice of certain drugs)

  • Waiting for a report of the test takes about 4-6 business days

  • EEG report available in English

  • 19 chanels

200 EUR

QEEG Brain Mapping (children)

QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography), also known as Brain Mapping, is an advanced electroencephalography analysis technique that allows the electrical activity of the brain to be measured and described using quantitative measures. The QEEG test is a tool used in guiding therapy and monitoring its progress. The reference to the normative base is possible for children from the age of 7.

At Magwise, we perform QEEG and base on that we provide:

  • personalisation of EEG Biofeedback therapy
  • personalisation of neurostimulation therapy (protocol selection: TMS, TPS)
  • analysis of biomarkers (guiding the physician in the diagnosis and choice of certain drugs)

  • Waiting for a report of the test takes about 4-6 business days

  • EEG report available in English

  • 19 channels

250 EUR

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question? Contact us.

We accept payments by bank transfer.

  • payment to the account of Egostim sp. z o.o., account number: IBAN: PL04109010300000000148338738; SWIFT: WBKPPLPP
  • we also accept instant transfers (BLIK)

Yes, we accept payments made with payment cards.


We do not accept installment payments. However, it is possible to divide some protocols and payments into two parts. The second stage is carried out only when the patient feels better.