What is TPS®?

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS®) has been a European-approved treatment option since 2018 for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. The goal of TPS® is to improve cognitive performance in people with Alzheimer's dementia by stimulating different areas of the brain and maintaining it for as long as possible. To date, more than 3,500 TPS® treatments have been performed using the NEUROLITH® System in more than 50 centers around the world. As a result, patients and their relatives report an improvement in verbal skills, memory, spatial orientation, and a reduction in symptoms associated with depression.

TPS therapy®

TPS® Guide

Transcranial Pulse Stimulation

Shock waves are acoustic pulses that have been successfully used since the end of the 1980s to treat various clinical symptoms, such as extracorporeal treatment of kidney stones, diseases of the locomotor system, as well as pseudo-joints, to stimulate angiogenesis, in the case of abnormal wound healing and the treatment of angina. In the mid-1990s, the effectiveness of shock waves in neurological disorders such as post-traumatic contractions and spastic paralysis was recognized. In 2015, the first treatments were performed on patients with Alzheimer's disease at the University of Vienna. In 2018, transcranial impulse stimulation (TPS®) using the NEUROLITH® system received, as the only method of this kind, approval for the treatment of the central nervous system in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Other neurological conditions, such as Parkinson's disease, and psychiatric disorders, such as depression, are undergoing further clinical trials, research, and development.

Shock waves and ultrasounds

Both shock and ultrasonic waves are acoustic waves that occur in a similar frequency range. Nevertheless, they differ significantly from each other. While a continuous wave with numerous oscillations characterizes ultrasound, a shock wave is characterized by a single shock pulse followed by a stretching wave with a smaller amplitude. In addition, due to the fluctuating high-frequency exposure, the energy of the ultrasound waves is absorbed by the tissue and can heat it - an effect that is not observed with shock waves. Thus, TPS stimulation does not cause tissue overheating.

Comparison of ultrasonic and shock wave profiles

TPS® Guide

TPS® - how does it work?

With the TPS® method, areas of the brain can be stimulated up to a depth of 8 cm. The properties of shock waves enable the effective use of physical energy in locally limited areas of tissues. Through mechanotransduction the release of growth factors and nitric oxide is being stimulated. The biological effect of the TPS method is:

  • Modulation of neuronal responses
  • Reduction of cerebral cortex atrophy
  • Stimulation of neuroplasticity
  • Improving the blood supply to the brain, creating new blood vessels (neoangiogenesis)
  • Nerve regeneration
  • Improvement of the axonal state in the stimulated area
  • Improving brain function in dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease
  • Normalization of the so-called functional connectivity between brain circuits important for mood regulation (potential antidepressant effect).

TPS® Guide

Essential features of TPS® Therapy:

  • 6 TPS® treatments (sessions) in 2 weeks
  • the duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes
  • treatments are non-invasive, safe, and uncomplicated
  • no need to shave the head
  • significant neuropsychological improvement
  • antidepressant effect

Potential side effects (usually disappear after about five days):

  • swelling, redness, hematoma
  • petechiae
  • slight soreness/discomfort in the stimulated area

Contraindications to TPS® Therapy:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis
  • thrombosis
  • pregnancy
  • a brain tumor
  • cortisone therapy up to 6 weeks before the first treatment
  • presence of metal foreign bodies in the skull (e.g., stents, fragments)
  • pacemaker

How to start treatment?

TPS® therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician - a specialist psychiatrist. Not every condition can be treated with TMS. To start treatment, you must first make an appointment for a qualifying consultation.

Get in touch

Send an email to: [email protected] or call +48 662 277 477or send the


Qualifying consultation

In the office or remotely (Skype), during which a specialist psychiatrist will assess the chances of success of the therapy and propose the most favorable stimulation protocol


Setting dates

Arrange the stimulation schedule with the assistant


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Sample Therapy

Treatment with the TPS® method

Treatment with the TPS® method is performed on an outpatient basis without hospitalization. The patient is not immobilized, sits on a comfortable armchair, and can move freely. Before starting the TPS® treatment, the therapist applies an ultrasonic gel to the scalp or hair, ensuring optimal pulse transmission. Then the patient puts on special glasses to recognize the head's position. During the procedure, the therapist gently moves the stimulator's head over the scalp and the upper part of the skull, directing acoustic impulses directly to the affected brain areas. The procedure is non-invasive, i.e., the impulses penetrate the skin and skull without damaging them.

2 weeks
Number of sessions
3 sessions per week
Session duration
30 minutes


How can we help you?

The range of ailments that can be treated with TPS is constantly expanding.


  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Frontotemporal dementia
  • Dementia with Lewy bodies
  • Dementia in Parkinson's disease

Brain fog

  • COVID brain fog
  • Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

Other neurological disorders

  • Parkinson's disease
  • Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1)
  • Aphasia
  • Corticobasal degeneration (CBD)
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Concussion
  • Viral encephalitis
  • Migraines


  • Treatment-resistant depression (TRD)
  • Depressed people who have little improvement or unbearable side effects from medication
  • Depression in cases where TMS can not help
  • Depression in the course of bipolar disorder (BD)
  • Depression during pregnancy and postnatal depression

Other mental disorders

  • Attention deficit ADHD/ADD
  • Paranoid schizophrenia

Therapeutic indications

Alzheimer's disease. TPS® treatment: effectiveness and confidence

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. It cannot be cured. The number of people with Alzheimer's disease continues to grow - currently, it affects approximately 33 million people worldwide. Patients suffer from memory lapses, have problems with orientation, and can no longer function independently in everyday life. Many patients, especially in the early stages of dementia, also struggle with depression. This significantly reduces the quality of life of those affected and their relatives. The progressive loss of neurons triggers the clinical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. As a result, the brain shrinks, especially the cerebral cortex. As a result of the loss of neurons, the information transmission and processing points located between the nerves are also degraded. These disorders cause memory loss. According to current knowledge, the causative agent of Alzheimer's disease is harmful protein molecules that arise outside nerve cells and impair their work. One of these molecules, beta-amyloid, builds up and builds up in the brain of an Alzheimer's patient. The so-called amyloid plaques, as a result of which there is a deterioration of blood circulation and, as a consequence, disturbances in the supply of oxygen and energy to the brain.


TPS® treatment results

Based on efficacy data, a follow-up study published in 2021 investigated the potential benefit of TPS® treatment on cortical atrophy characteristic of Alzheimer's disease, including data from 17 patients in the pre/post analysis. The study's authors showed a correlation between neuropsychological improvement and an increase in cortical thickness in dementia-critical brain regions. Alzheimer's disease patients who benefit from TPS® treatment appear to have reduced cortical atrophy. In 2022, a clinical trial was published on 18 patients with Alzheimer's disease and accompanying depression. Again, confirmation of a significant improvement in well-being was obtained, confirmed by the BDI-II scale and the normalization of the so-called functional connectivity (FC) between the brain's critical mood circuits.


  • d’Agostino, M. C. et al.: International Journal of Surgery, 24(Pt B):147-153, 2015.
  • Yahata, K. et al.: Journal of Neurosurgery, 25(6):745-755, 2016.
  • Hatanaka, K. et al.: American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 311(3):C378-85, 2016.
  • Mariotto, S. et al.: Nitric Oxide, 12(2):89-96, 2005.
  • Lohse-Busch, H. et al.: NeuroRehabilitation, 35(2):227-233, 235-244, 2014
  • Beisteiner, R. et al.: Advanced Science, 7(3):1902583, 2020.
  • Popescu, T. et al.: Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 7(1):e12121, 2021.
  • Van Hoesen, G. W. et al.: Hippocampus, 1(1):1-8, 1991.
  • Van Hoesen, G. W. et al.: Cerebral Cortex, 10(3):243-251, 2000.
  • Bush, A. I.: Trends in Neurosciences, 26(4): 207-214, 2003.
  • Beisteiner, R. (Uniwersytet Medyczny w Wiedniu): Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) as a revolutionary new brain therapy, 46. Polski Kongres Psychiatryczny, Szczecin, 2021.
  • Matt, E. et al.: Journal of Translational Medicine, 20(1):26, 2022.
  • Lohse-Busch, H.: Neurologie & Rehabilitation, S2:KV4–05, 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer to your question? Contact us.

TPS® therapy is painless. The only discomfort may be caused by the sounds produced during the treatment.


No, TPS® therapy is non-invasive and safe. It does not cause any permanent adverse effects. There may be only slight redness on the head and squeaking in the ears, which will pass over time.


No referral is needed. However, you should have an interview with a doctor (in person or online). Psychiatrists and neurologists who are members of our team qualify for the treatments. Medical records should be prepared for inspection, especially psychiatric hospital records and brain imaging results - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


The patient can notice the first signs of improvement after 3-4 sessions, and the most significant effect is felt a few weeks after the end of the entire course of therapy.


Bring a CD or other media with the patient's most recent head MRI scan. Due to the use of ultrasonic gel for stimulation, washing the hair after the treatment is necessary, so it is worth taking a comb and a towel with you to remove excess gel easily. A hairdryer is available in Magwise. People with long hair are asked not to pin them up. Please do not apply hair styling products (gels, varnishes, conditioners, pastes).


Yes, you can come to therapy in your own car; TPS therapy does not disturb the concentration and attention of the driver.


the patient stays in the office with the staff operating the device and one accompanying person if his condition requires it.

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